I love strong, powerful, lyrics that tell a story, speak to my soul and originate from lives lived large. Irrespective of the original meaning, I’ll repurpose them for me, at that moment in my life.

TBH embarking on my new venture has been daunting. I can lurch from huge excitement and enthusiasm, to ‘what the heck’ in a nano second! But when I don my #shrek-looking earphones and activate my beloved Spotify play list, I’m on track again.

Here’s examples of what's inspired me so far:

I think of my ME/CFS illness onset as my perfect rock bottom and also a beautiful trauma. Although I wouldn’t wish ME/CFS on anyone, it forced me to reset aspects of my life, whether I wanted to or not by learning to PACE and focus on what matters.  9 Years later I’m using my lived experience to launch something beautiful and purposeful. ME/CFS purposeful jewellery to help raise medical research funding to for ME/CFS.
2 lyrics that speak to me are “Angel down, but the people just stood around”, and “I’d rather save an angel down”. I’m a compulsive Doer and Fixer. I’ve been ‘lucky’ so far with my illness as I’ve recovered to a moderate/mild level. However, I care that others remain severely impacted by ME/CFS and I want to contribute in a material way to helping them. I know that funding research is what’s needed, which is why 100% of profits from coppered.nz will be donated to organisations focused on solving ME/CFS.
“I’m unstoppable today”, but that’s not to say I’m unstoppable tomorrow.  Today I choose to face my fears and do it anyway. It takes courage to put yourself out in the public eye, to share a personal story,  to make yourself extremely vulnerable, and to start something that big and new. But today, I’m unstoppable!
This one’s nostalgic. I love Adele’s lyric “you look like a movie”. I can lose myself in movies and songs. Fortunately, seldomly do lyrics make me sad, instead, they often inspire possibilities or remind me of beautiful moments and people that have left imprints on my soul. Coppered® is my tribute to my youthful ambitions, which at 54 years young I still have.

If you’re impacted by #MECFS and now #longcovid, or know someone who is, please show that you care by buying a piece of coppered® MECFS purposeful jewellery and by sharing coppered.nz with your social networks.

Sally Cox Founder, Coppered

Help FUND a cure for ME/CFS
